Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pet peeves

As I was riding the bus home today, I was thinking of things that annoy me. Here are some:

1. Sneakers + khakis
2. People that sit on the bus on the OUTSIDE seat, as if they are too good to have someone sit next to them. They hog the entire row, and then the person who needs a sit b/c all the rest are taken feels bad that they have to "inconvenience" the outside sitter, when really the outside sitter should have anticipated the move they would have to make.
3. People that say they will do something and don't do it. Don't promise if you won't be able to deliver!
4. When people are trying to speak to someone that speaks a different language, and that person isn't seeming to understand, the other person speaks LOUDER. As if that will help! Speak SLOWER, not louder. Sheesh.
5. People that talk on their cell phones at the gym. While running. Can you not take a break for an hour?
6. People who let their dogs poop everywhere and don't bother to clean it up.

I have to go to dinner, but those are just the beginning. :P


Anonymous said...

How interesting that you are thinking about pet peeves. I was in the ladies room at a departpart store and a woman used the bathroom and left without washing her hands! I thought I would share a pet peeve of mine. Oh and when drivers forget to shut their blinker off and it keeps going for now apparent reason! :)

Anonymous said...

Whoops! I should have checked my spelling. Sorry about that. I meant department store and no instead of now. I can't help it. I'm a teacher.

Panner said...

Thanks for commenting Smell! You read my previous blog about the lady on the floor where I work who does not wash her hands either right? :S And who sits RIGHT ON THE TOILET SEAT (no toilet paper or anything to cover up the nasty germs)?

Anonymous said...

My pet peeve is people who feel the need to list all their pet peeves ... ;)