Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Personal hygiene

I am going to divert from talking about Turkiye for a sec and talk about gross people. I was in the bathroom today at work and this lady came in the stall next to mine. She sat down RIGHT ON THE TOILET SEAT (how did I know? because I saw her feet not on the ground) and didn't even put toilet paper on it (hello, there are germs and diseases!). THEN she peed, wiped, and DID NOT WASH HER HANDS. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to puke! I wash my hands sometimes two times PLUS put antibac on. It's for reasons like this that I do that. SICK! DISGUSTING! NASTY!


Anonymous said...

Ok, I’m going to comment on this because it’s a HUGE pet peeve of mine!

Here’s my favorite situation: As I’m standing in the bathroom washing my hands, someone else finishes their “business” and walks directly to the door without stopping at the sink. UGH! Now what do I do? Take my newly-washed hand and touch the contaminated doorhandle; I don’t think so! But what if I only have warm air driers and no paper towels!?! How the hell do I get out???

Until recently, this was a very serious dilemma that I had to deal with far too often. They finally installed (automatic) paper towel dispensers after the complaints piled up high enough. Now I can use the paper towel to open the door, and throw it out in the hallway trash can. Free at last!!!


Panner said...

Thanks for the comment! I hear you!

Marsha said...

Or you can pull on the lock or the door hinge hydaulic system above the door if they have one...I have had to deal with the nasty myself and have had to come up with many way to open the door without touching the handle...Or if yu want use your feet. LOL