Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Turkiye (2 dots over the "u")

Myspace is a great thing. You can meet people from all over the world, which of course is always a goal of mine. Foreigners are so fascinating, appreciate life more (and having fun without stress!), and have so much respect for the place they live. Whenever I meet people, I do research on where they live so I can have a better understanding of where they are coming from (and so I learn more geography, which I love). I know a lot about so many places, thanks to people I have met from Salerno, Italia; Guadalajara, Mexico; places in Holland; and tons more. A friend who I have been talking to lately is from Adana, Turkiye, and he is an amazing, wonderful, open, fun person. See above map near the Mediterranean to find Adana (map courtesy of this site). Here are some pics of this gorgeous place.

Photo 1 taken from this site. Photo 2. Photo 3. Photo 4. Photo 5.

Who would not want to visit here?! What an amazing place. I just cannot believe the beauty... The mosque you see is the Sabanci Mosque. From the sites I looked up, the pic with the water above is the mosque, a Roman wall/bridge, and the Hilton (correct me if I am wrong-my friend reads my blog too). : ) Interesting picture with the past and present all together. Someday I will go.... someday. Thanks for sharing your country with me, and also the music (the files are awesome!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love MySPACE...you get to meet genuine, non gross people on there from all over....I fully intend to try and meet all of mine. I love it!